Team Losi LXT: Restoring an old stadium truck
I was reminiscing on ebay recently (a very dangerous pastime) and I found this old Team Losi LXT for sale. I bought one in the early 90s and equipped it with a set of Pro-Line road tires and lowered and stiffened up the suspension. I don’t remember exactly when I sold it, but I remember having a lot of fun with it so I decided I should get a replacement.
Opening The Box

I’ve been looking for something that was in rough condition that I could rescue and bring back to its former glory. This truck fit that bill. It needs quite a bit of work. It came with a Novak 410-M5 ESC, a Futaba Magnum Sport FP-T2PB transmitter, a Futaba S148 servo, and a Futaba FP-R112JE receiver. All the electronics are in good working order and just need a good cleaning. I have been looking for an old Magnum transmitter to go along with a couple other vintage RCs. It doesn’t have as many adjustments as the FP-T2PBKA radio I used to have like endpoints, but it suits an oldie like this.

First Inspection
The whole chassis is covered in a thick layer of dirt and quite a few cobwebs. The body mount support and the bulkhead are both cracked. If I knew how much a replacement bulkhead would cost I may have thought twice about this build.

The truck came with the XX Retrofit Transmission instead of the original.

It looks like there are some missing parts near the rear bulkhead. You can see where the spacer is missing between the chassis and the rear bulkhead, as well as the battery strap.
Next Steps
It looks like this restoration is going to be a lot of work. A lot of the hardware is not original and there are some missing and broken parts. I’ll likely replace the body and wheels and tires too. Stay tuned for the next post where I tear it down and figure out exactly what needs to be done to bring this truck back to life.
Hello, I also found one of these on ebay. This is my first R/C and I figured I’d try to build it up. Parts are extremely hard to find and not cheap. I’d love to follow your build so I can make sure I don’t miss anything. Like I said this is my first R/C and I’m learning as I go. My biggest scare is the Hydra drive/ or XX system. Thank You for showing this
Thanks for reading! I am still searching for parts, and yes, they are expensive! I’ll try to get something more posted soon. Good luck with your build!
You can take the hydra drive off and put a regular slipper clutch on it, I had one back in the day and ran hydra drive and the slipper clutch, back when I bought mine the xx trans was an optional upgrade.